Thursday, June 12, 2008

Frieda and Friends

Frieda possessed the ability to see good in everyone (for years, she worked to teach me her technique, but I've never mastered her soul vision). Not only did she see good in everyone, she expected them to demonstrate that goodness (hopefully by petting her or sharing meals). She made no distinctions between CEOs or a homeless person living on the streets of the French Quarter - they were all greeted with an equal measure of graciousness and enthusiastic tail wags.

Here's Frieda with a few of her special friends...

Frieda running with my dad, Calvin Bennett

Frieda and Joe

Frieda snuggling with Tom

Frieda and Jean

Frieda and Paul, who has also passed on. Hopefully she's sitting on his lap as I write this.

Frieda and Valerie

Frieda and Jen

Frieda and Carol

Frieda and Lijah

Frieda and Ruth

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